Dies Ater - Through Weird Woods
Last Episode
Symphonic Black Metal
8 songs (42'19)
Release year: 2000
Reviewed by Claus

We all know this band - the one in a million of bands sounding all the same ... the typical band of today, one of those trying to cash-in on a musical style that I personally gave up upon a year or two ago... Of course I'm speaking of the so-called Symphonic Black Metal genre, and it's numerous Cradle of Dimmu Old Man's Borgir -wannabee's. Dies Ater is a German offspring of that musical style and although not really a bad one, they definitely would do better trying to sell Sauerkraut or be working at assembling parts of Volkswagen's than creating heard-a-billion-times-before BM with screamy vocals, grinding drums, gothic/ambient atmospheres, lots of synths and horrible computer-done-choirs... NO !!! - Dies Ater is not a band I'd be spending much more of my time with.. neither should you.

Killing Songs :
None !!!
Claus quoted 10 / 100
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