Angantyr - Sejr
Black Metal
8 songs (54:10)
Release year: 2004
Reviewed by Daniel

Angantyr is a one man project from Denmark. Sejr is straight Black Metal all the way. Here you’ll find tremolo picking, blast beats and growls; you’ll find almost no keyboards, no female choirs and as always no bass guitar; just straight up, fast/mid paced Black Metal from beginning to end.

Ynleborgaz has the ability to create great songs with only his guitar; the riffs have such an epic feeling you’ll feel at the middle of some plains or forests in the medieval age marching to meet the enemy in battle. Sometimes glorious, some times melancholic but always good.

Even though the music is quite good I feel this album is quite lacking at times; maybe if it was a bit less generic I would find it better; after a while I get a bit tired of it and makes me wish for more variety in their songs; then I think about the excellent first song, En Falden Kriger, which is the most distinguishable one because it includes a great synth intro (actually the only synth used in the album) and a great violin, which sounds very old and rusty. Why in this world didn’t Ynleborgaz use more synth and violin in the album?! Not that I have anything against straight guitar Black Metal albums, for fuck’s sake I love old Darkthrone, but the opening track is so good it makes me think of the incredible results the mixing of these instruments with the epic riffs would have. Oh well, let us hope the next Angantyr album includes more parts like those previously mentioned.

The vocals are good but very typical, the musicianship is quite good but nothing out of this world, the strength of the music being the riffs as I said before, and the production is pretty good, with all instruments balanced perfectly.

This is a good Black Metal album even though it brings nothing new to the table; make the album shorter and add more tempo variation in the songs and you have a very good album; add more violin and synth and you have one hell of an album. Anyway; a good effort by this Danish one man band.

Killing Songs :
All are decent; Sølverpilens Kald is very good, and En Falden Kriger is excellent.
Daniel quoted 72 / 100
Other albums by Angantyr that we have reviewed:
Angantyr - Forvist reviewed by Alex and quoted 79 / 100
Angantyr - Svig reviewed by Alex and quoted 85 / 100
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