Absolutely nothing new from Anvil. And when I say absolutely nothing, I am wondering if this Plenty Of Power (no comment) is not in fact a collection of songs not used previously ... from old recording sessions. Speed Of Sound (previous album) was at least catchy and the songs were pretty good. Here, all songs "looks" so old and ... empty of inspiration. Honestly, I am wondering if these guys have recorded Plenty Of Power with their heart ... or just for money. Groove Silence & The Creep (second & forth song) are may be the only songs saving the whole record (in direct line with Speed Of Sound) and I prefer not to talk about the cover-art (my two year son would have done a better one). And as everything has been done the correct way on Plenty Of Power, the production is a big JOKE. Eh guys, we are in 2001 not in the 80's anymore. So the "wind" coming out of my speaker is an insult to all metal kids out there. This album is getting on my nerves. I like too much Anvil and was maybe expecting miracles with this Plenty Of Power. For the die-hard Anvil's fans, but let me doubt it. An average record from a band that can do much better ... can't they? |
Killing Songs : Groove Science, The Creep |
Danny quoted 60 / 100 | ||||||
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