Completely unfamiliar with Santiago Chile’s band, Force of Darkness, going head first into their latest EP, Absolute Verb of Chaos and Darkness, was again a time to delve into the unknown. This 20 minute blast of black, death, and even thrash sounding album likes to keep its finger on the trigger, and rarely lets up. Winds of blackness are enchanted by the clean and delicate guitars during the introductory track Darkness Revelation. Demonic laughs fill the air until the crash of thunder evokes the start of the second speedy, blackened thrash track The Mystical Vibration. The quality of the music isn't as grainy as expected. The guitar parts, as well as all the instruments shine loudly, especially with the blackened and evil guitar riffs. The following track, Creations from Obscurity, sounds like a total nasty mess of black metal, with its hastened riffs and even faster drums. Kliphotic Procreation is another swift chaotic piece of blackened mayhem, but gets even nastier with the slick solo that comes bursting through the darkened fog that the band creates. The EP was a bit hard to like from the start, but kept me interested pretty much all the way through. After only spending 20 minutes with Force of Darkness and their latest EP, it’s definitely got me more interested, but it’s nothing I found myself totally blown away by. |
Killing Songs : The Mystical Vibration, Kliphotic Procreation |
Jared quoted no quote | |||||
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