Quietus was my introduction to Evoken, one of funeral doom's elite, and my first taste of the genre in general. And to be honest, I couldn't think of a better way to get into this genre. To many, funeral doom comes off as boring, one dimensional and samey, bands rarely leaving the confines of the genre, creating ten minute long songs with the only purpose to lull you into sleep. And while this definitely holds true for a lot of bands in the genre, nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to Evoken, as they most definitely prove here. The songs featured on this, their second album, ooze with hate, sorrow, riffs, tempo changes, basically anything one could wish for. The main thing that sets Evoken apart is that they know how to write songs, albeit very long ones, and manage to do so without sounding anything like any other funeral doom band (at least as far as I know). Now, it's one thing to write a good funeral doom song that manages to hold your interest until its final note has faded, it's another thing to create an entire hour of this kind of music that's actually worth listening to, without causing the listener to wander off every few minutes. Once again I can assure you that this is exactly what Evoken has done here, with every song having its own distinct feel or atmosphere, always working up to something, resulting in an album that surprisingly isn't exhausting at all to listen to. Opener In Pestilence Burning, probably one of Evoken's best songs, immediately sets a desolate, hopeless mood, using all the typical funeral doom trademarks (slow, crushing riffs, deep, guttural growls) to full effect, adding some whispered vocals and a cello on top! It's just one example of how Evoken take the framework of funeral doom and use it to their advantage. Or take Quietus, with its frugally used clean vocals. It might be a small detail, but it's those kind of things that make Evoken such exceptional songwriters. Finally, two thing that make Evoken so unique are drummer Vince Verkay and vocalist John Paradiso (quite an ironic name actually). Not content with just maintaining a slow pace throughout the album, let alone within one song, Vince often speeds up and uses rhythm patterns I have yet to hear in another funeral doom band. John, then, not only employs the typical death growl but also whispers, blackened screams and a few cleanes here and there. Nothing very shocking but it all adds to the uniqueness of every song. Considering how real the hate and sorrow evoked by Evoken (sorry, couldn't help it) feels, I can hardly imagine these fine men being a very uplifting bunch. After hearing Quietus though, I'd say that's for the best, for this is a truly exceptional funeral doom album. One I'd even call a classic in its genre, and, in opinion, the highlight of their discography. Very highly recommended. |
Killing Songs : In Pestilence Burning, Quietus, Embrace the Emptiness |
Milan quoted 91 / 100 | ||||||||||
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