Heresiarch - Waelwulf (EP)
Iron Bonehead Productions
Blackened Death Metal
3 songs (13:46)
Release year: 2014
Reviewed by Goat

Having once contained members of up-and-coming blackened death squad Diocletian, New Zealand duo Heresiarch have much in common with them. With a similar raw and filthy blackened sound that puts them in the same sub-genre as the likes of Revenge, Heresiarch do much to impress on this short but interesting EP. The opening title track is the most straightforward here initially, raw crunching riffs with a wall of noise backing and snarls from vocalist NH, but some almost horror movie-esque squealing lets you know all is not well. The track seamlessly flows into Abrecan, opening with crashing drums and a blur of sound, moving into doom territory as the riffs turn to feedback and the pace slows.

Finale Endethraest is the longest and most interesting track, over six minutes long but feeling as if it could be longer. Building up menacingly, it launches into a speedy blackened rumble with nightmarish vocal growls and snarls, breaking apart and slowing to a crawl without losing any of its power. As an EP, it's a great introduction, but it's also a promise of more – I can't wait to hear an album from this duo that really allows them to unleash their full potential. Keep an ear out for this band – we may quite possibly have found the next Portal...

Killing Songs :
Abrecan, Endethraest
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