Thunder Rising - Sole Freedom
Scarlet Records
Hard Rock
5 songs (21'07'')
Release year: 2015
Thunder Rising, Scarlet Records
Reviewed by Jared

Established in 2013, hard rockers Thunder Rising have a rather interesting lineup born from two bands. From the impressive vocals of Mark Boals (Malmsteem, Ring of Fire), and guitarist Frank Caruso (Firehouse, Arachnes, Strings24), the band has a powerhouse of talent. Having already released their official debut in 2013, Sole Freedom is the follow up EP to that successful album, and it’s more than worthy to get a taste of.

The opening riff of The Best Things Are Free bursts with strength, and easily enjoyed by the catchy vocals and hook of the guitars. Let Me Breathe has a little bit more of an electronic start, but the guitars once again play with a hard rocking and heavy attitude. With a very impressive solo at end of this one, Thunder Rising have the talent to produce some seriously fresh hard rock that is both exciting and fun.

Blind Without You is the slower song of the bunch on this EP, sounding like it could easily fit as a member of the Top Gun movie soundtrack. It wasn’t the only time I felt as though the music familiarized myself with my younger days, as the final instrumental track Lightning, Thunder, And Rainbow began things off with a Quake II sounding riff, reminding back in my early days of gaming. With that short nostalgic moment out of the way, this final track provides a wide variety of moods. Ranging from the hard n’ heavy, blues style rock, and finally ending with a slower ballad sound, Thunder Rising know a thing or two about hard rock, and they do it very well in this final track. To put it simply, Sole Freedom is a hard rocker’s delight which will hopefully ease the anticipation for their second full-length album.

Killing Songs :
The Best Things Are Free, Blind Without You, Lightning, Thunder, And Rainbow
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